News — svorio metimas

Do we remember to care for one of our main organs?

Published Karolis Zilinskas

Do we remember to care for one of our main organs?
As we all know the liver, one of the main organs of our body, the activity and condition of which must be flawless to function well, and as a result, feels great.
The liver has no pain receptors, so we usually do not think about the condition of this organ without feeling pain. 

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It's hard to resist delicious food?

Published Karolis Zilinskas

It's hard to resist delicious food?
Common questions: "Are there any supplements for slimming athletes"? , "I can't give up delicious food", "I can't go to sleep" and similar questions plague most of the Beto we would like to eat deliciously, perhaps to be able and have the perfect body shape, or maybe just have no time for sports or food cooking, perhaps not letting go of health. What we could do to prevent extra pounds that are at risk after the upcoming holidays, let's start now.

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